We welcome, LGP 2024 students, to a month-long journey of exploration and discovery.

My Journey with the Lodha Genius Programme: Exploring Science and Inspiration

As the Lodha Genius Programme approaches its final week, I find myself becoming increasingly sentimental, as I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here.

Throughout the past weeks, we have engaged in various activities such as making telescopes, observing stars, and participating in foldscope-making sessions led by Manu Prakash. Additionally, we had the privilege of interacting with Mr. Abhishek Lodha, the Founder of the Lodha Group, and other notable individuals. One of the memorable experiences was assembling our personal telescopes and using them to observe the Moon and Venus.

One of the highlights for me has been the incredible three-day seminar led by Professor Manu Prakash, an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at Stanford University. On the initial day, we visited a pond or wetland near the Ashoka University campus and collected both dry and wet samples, which we later examined using the foldscope.

Throughout the three days, we delved into various topics. Our first session focused mainly on constructing a foldscope, preparing the samples, adjusting the focal length, and observing both dry and wet samples. I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the microscopic world (Ferns, Wing of Cricket, Cyanobacteria, Bugs, etc.) under the foldscope so carefully designed to get the maximum possible magnification. Hats off to Manu for cracking the mathematics behind it and acing the design and engineering part of it to get something so beautiful. I managed to capture some incredible glimpses of the microscopic realm.

On the second day, Professor Prakash enlightened us about Frugal Science, Carbon capture, Diatomic cells, Hydrodynamic Communication, and the functioning of the PlanktoScope, among other topics.

His passion towards what he did and his vibrant approach to life moved me. Not only did he engage with us during our interactions on the shuttle to and from the pond, in the classroom, and at coffee tables, but he also made time to play soccer and basketball with us after a tiring day of collecting and examining various samples.

His dedication to his field of study and his enjoyment of life left a lasting impression on me.